Sen. Hastings

SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Michael E. Hastings has paved the way for Illinois families to have greater access to medically-prescribed infertility treatments.

“Without in vitro fertilization, I wouldn’t be the proud father I am today,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “I have felt the all-too-common stress and heartbreak of infertility. It’s past time to take bureaucracy out of health care.”

Found within Senate Bill 773, Hastings championed a plan to ensure insurance companies provide coverage for infertility treatments that are recommended by a physician without requiring them to complete treatments that were deemed ineffective by their doctor.

His steadfast leadership comes in response to a constituent whose physician had recommended that they seek in vitro fertilization treatment. However, when the constituent tried to access IVF care, they were told by their insurance provider that they had to complete other procedures before it would be covered by their insurance company, even with the recommendation of their licensed physician.

“While many states across the nation are working to restrict people’s ability to make their own family planning choices, Illinois is remaining a leader in protecting this type of care,” said Hastings. “No person should be denied having a family due to archaic laws.”

Senate Bill 773 was signed into law Friday and takes immediate effect.