chicago highway

SPRINGFIELD – Illinois residents can now receive relief from noisy highway traffic, thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Michael E. Hastings. 

“Our roads, bridges and highways generate economic development across our great state,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “However, at times this comes with noisy and uncomfortable consequences for our neighbors who live near these major roadways.”

The Hastings-led initiative will require the Illinois Department of Transportation to implement an expansion in their noise suppression program to give those who live near existing highways some relief.

Hastings championed Senate Bill 3175 in response to a number of noise complaints he was receiving from residents throughout the 19th Senate District.

IDOT currently maintains a Type 1 program which studies the possible impact and mitigation effects on newly constructed highways. Hastings’ measure will require IDOT to create and implement a Type 2 Noise Suppression Program by July 1, 2025 to provide noise abatement for existing highways.

He believes this expansion of the program would alleviate constituents’ concerns and help improve the quality of life for residents throughout the state.

“Increased roadway activity is a sign of economic prosperity,” said Hastings. “This new law will help improve the quality of life for those who have been suffering from endless hours of highway noise for years.”

Senate Bill 3175 was signed into law on Monday and goes into effect immediately.