Sen. Michael Hastings

SPRINGFIELD – Illinoisans with a valid driver’s license or ID may soon be able to request a mobile version of identification from the Secretary of State, thanks to a measure championed by State Senator Michael E. Hastings.

“Embracing digital solutions is crucial for making state services more accessible and efficient,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “By allowing residents to carry a digital version of their driver’s license or ID card on their phone, we are streamlining daily activities that require identification, such as traffic stops and age verification.”

A key feature of Hasting’s measure is the requirement that mobile driver’s license and ID’s use an electronic credential system – such as a barcode system – to certify there is no requirement for individuals to surrender possession of their mobile device to the requesting party. This ensures that residents maintain control and privacy over their mobile devices at all times.

Additionally, an individual displaying their mobile driver’s license or ID would not constitute consent to have the device searched, further safeguarding the privacy of the user.

“Mobile driver’s licenses and IDs represent a leap forward in personal security and privacy,” said Hastings. “By ensuring residents don’t have to hand over their devices, we are protecting their personal information from unnecessary exposure and potential misuse.”

House Bill 4592 passed the Senate Friday and heads to the governor’s desk for consideration.